Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Siquijor Island Tour: Info Bits

                                             Around  the Mysteries and Exuberance of Siquijor Island


In Siquijor Island, there is a town named Siquijor. 


Highway 860 is the national highway and is mostly coastal and can be covered in 4 hours or less. If you can do it in less than that, then good for you. 

The order in which you will pass the towns if you use Highway 860 is Larena-Siquijor-San Juan- Lazi-Maria-Enrique Villanueva (a.k.a.) Talingting then back to Larena. As I said, it is coastal so you can go around the island.

LANGUAGE SPOKEN:   We speak English too so you can ask us politely for directions. If our English is broken, its but natural. I am not a grammar police.  We are a very warm people. Your smile counts.

LITTERS:  Put your trash in your bag and unload it to the trash bin  in your homestay/resort. Do not destroy my island or I will destroy my blog.  Hahhahah. #chanellingDuterte. BE A RESPONSIBLE TRAVELER. 


Bring your water and sunscreen and other body care staples. the ones you usually use may not be in stores in the island. Most are highly priced too.Buy the necessities beforehand. We do not have grocery stores and pharmacies that are open 24/7. We have Prince Hypermart. We do not have malls yet. I go to Elvis Tan Store in Larena for products that you might not find in Prince Hypermart. 


Our banks with Universal ATM are as follows: 

LARENA : Landbank; PNB; Eastwest Rural Bank 
SIQUIJOR: Lanbank ; Metrobank

SMOKING: As of May 2017, only Lazi and San Juan municipalities have not implemented the No-Smoking Policy in Public Spaces as Larena, Enrique Villanueva, Siquijor, and San Juan have applied for the Red Orchid Award. So basically, smoke only in  designated areas or better yet, Stop Smoking. It will do you kore good than harm and won't cost you a single cent to stop. You will also not be bothering other people if you stop. 😜


Monday, May 1, 2017


I'm Poolin 'For You

 Just near the boundary of Bitaug, Enrique Villanueva, Siquijor  ( a town a.k.a. Talingting)  and Sandugan, Larena , Siquijor , Kalachuchi Beach Resort sits prettily as one of the best choices if you want a beachside pool for a night dip. 

This can be seen around 5 minutes of not- so- polished (excuse my english) terrain which should require to shift gears to tersera and segunda.

Oh yes! we did a lot of selfies there  as I was pregnant by this time and I love pools.

There is a pond near the signage and I do not know as to its vegetation and animal/ reptilian ( if there si any) inhabitants for now.

 There are a lot of signages so read carefully so you wont get lost towards the hillside going up the rooms on the hills which are for in-house guests only.Hehehe

Follow this path canopied by Mahogany trees and others as this leads to the beach side...

Nope! As I said, guests value their privacy so much...

This is the stairway charot to the restaurant and the front desk...

You can play ping-pong, too.

Or perhaps  dive directly after arranging your stay there.

Or shower first near the hut on the picture above -for courtesy purposes...

Notice the stairs near the pool, it leads to this other set of stairs towards the resto.
And you can carry your ice-cold beer up the resto from the pool and wait for your lunch. They say you can wear your wet swimsuit, even while having your meal at the resto.

And have the best view here... you will neglect the chairs as you can be relaxed enough to watch the view.

Or play some pool upstairs.

Or enjoy a number 1 or number 2 on a clean space one floor below the dining area/ front desk./ resto

The food was good and i like their pancit guisado . The food is a bit pricey though. Pang- foreigner ang price.

and play Jenga while waiting for the bill.

Or lay in their well-manicured lawn sandwiched by the pool and the beach.

or go back to the pool and mag-senti...

Or chill in the knee-deep areas of the pool , of course with your beer.

or mag Cosmo Men post

Or sit on those underwater bar stools and have your dandy beer with ya... enjoy and have fun!


Kalachuchi Beach Resort

Address:                 Brgy. Bitaug, Enrique Villanueva, Siquijor 

Entrance Fee:           Php 100.00 per person (i guess)

GPS Coordinates:     9.30043 (Latitude), 123.61158699999999 (Longitude).






Here is a video for a full 360 of the place:



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Youtube: Restless Pinay or here  => https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGg8OC4xCOjy2qT3q91payg

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