Saturday, September 2, 2017

Dentist of Choice in Dumaguete City : Review on Dr. Chua of Holy Child Hospital

So, how did my experience with Dr. Chua go?

               My experience with Dr. Chua was good. 

I have been to a dentist once who destroyed my perfectly nice teeth and now I have to have it fixed by root canal as the pain is killing me like , literally , I can not think of anything else but the throbbing pain in my temples. Beast mode ensues thereafter so I had to see a dentist that will give me the best service for a good price.

My classmate from high school who was an alumna of S.U. suggested Dr. Chua as he was the one who did her braces and had been to many dentists because of a rather complex case of teeth growing on unusual areas in her mouth, an extra tooth of some sort.

My observations :

1. He was so patient with me even if I had this super disturbing gag reflex where they had to remove the mouth guard almost every 10 minutes.

2. His services were pricey but it was worth it , I guess. If I am not mistaken, it was that:
              Php 2000 for prophylaxis (cleaning) and tooth extraction ( ibot)
              Php17,000.00 for root canal
              Php70,000.00 for braces.

   I paid my dues fully after 2 visits, I just made a down payment on my first. 

3. He had 3 dental aides , and all are in scrubs.(aseptic technique #1)

4. He works with new gloves every time. (aseptic technique #2)

5. He also has an X-ray machine. (hassle-free)

6. Most of the people I know who were student nurses in Dumaguete often drops his name when I asked them for the best dentist to see in Dumaguete City. When I visited his clinic, I have seen a couple who i overheard owning some businesses in Negros, 2 students from a well-known university in the city , and 3 children of expats and a kid of  a German. Then,  I thought that maybe, I came to the right place. (How far did my logic go with this one?)

7. He is available  Mondays to Saturdays so this is good news for me being a slave of the 9-to5 Monday to Friday. 

I made an appointment with his secretary thru this mobile number: (639)362074557.


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