Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Pinoy Recipes


1.    Maja Blanca

7 tbsp cornstarch
3 cups coconut milk
1 ¼ cups sugar
1 tall can evaporated milk
1 tsp vanilla peanuts

            Mix all the ingredients in the carajai. Boil and stir while boiling to avoid sticking. Let the mixture thicken enough to pour to the pan. Chill the Maja Blanca thereafter.

2.    Leche Flan

4 pcs. eggs
1 can condensed milk (big)
¼ kg sugar (caramelized)


Caramelize the sugar and spread it over the molder. Mix the milk and whole eggs together. Do not over beat to avoid some bubbles. Steam for about 15 -30 minutes.

3.    Bread Pudding

4 tsp margarine
5 cups soft crumb
4 cups milk scalded
2 pcs eggs
1 cup sugar
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp nutmeg
1 tsp vanilla
½ cups raisins, if desired
1 small can of condensed milk


Soak bread crumbs on milk until soft. Beat eggs until light; add sugar, salt, nutmeg, vanilla and raisins. Mix thoroughly with bread mixture. Pour into grease baking pan and set on pan of hot water. Bake the mixture in 350oF for 1 hour or until done.

4.    Mango Float

1 kg ripe mangoes
2 packs of graham biscuits
1 can nestle cream

            Wash and peel the mangoes. Slice thinly. Then, arrange the sliced mangoes alternately with graham biscuits. Cover it with milk and nestle cream mixture. Chill.

5.    Banana Quick Bread

4 cups flour
1 ½ cups sugar
2 ½ tablespoons baking powder
¾ tsp. sugar
2 cups mashed banana (Bungan/lakatan)
2/3 cups margarine


            Cream the margarine until it becomes light and fluffy. Add sugar gradually and mix well. Then, add the unbeaten eggs and beat well. Place the mixture in a well-greased baking pan. Bake the mixture in an oven at 350oF for about 30-45 minutes, or until the cake is done.

6.    Banana Doughnuts

4 cups flour
4 ½ tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
¾ cups sugar
¼ cups margarine
2 pcs eggs
1 cup mashed banana
oil for deep frying


            Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar cut in shortening until a fine consistency of the mixture is achieved. Add eggs and banana, and blend well. Turn into floured bloured and roll to 3/8 thick. Cut with floured doughnut cutter deepery.

7.    Chicken Lollipop
1 kg     chicken wings
1 tbsp  salt
                                 Vetsin (Monosodium glutamate)           marinade
                                    lemon juice
                                    ground pepper
                                    bread crumbs


Soak the chicken in vinegar mixture. Cut and form the wings into a lollipop form. Dredge into flour eggs and finally, bread crumbs. Then, fry until done.

8.    Tapioca

2 kgs ripe mango (diced)
½ kg sago
2 cans condensed milk
2 packs nestle cream
¼ kg sugar
1 pack Mr. Gulaman (red)
1 pack Mr. Gulaman (green)          optional
1 pack cheese

Boil water then add the sago. Cook until sago is tender. Strain. Dice mango and add to the sago. Cook the gulaman and slice into small cubes.
9.    Chicken Breast Fillet

1 kg  chicken breast
1 tsp salt
          Vetsin (Monosodium glutamate)                 
          black pepper
1 can evaporated milk (small)
            bread crumbs


Cut the chicken breast thinly. Add salt, calamansi juice, ground pepper,and Vetsin. Dredge into flour, beaten eggs, and bread crumbs. Then, fry until chicken is done.

10. Orange Chiffon Cake

2 ½ cups cake flour
1 cup sugar
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
½ cup cooking oil
5 egg yolks
¾ cup orange juice
1 cup egg white
½ tsp cream of tartar
¼ cup sugar


Sift flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt into a mixing bowl. Make a “well” then add the following ingredients in order: cooking oil, egg yolks, orange juice and orange rind. Beat with spoon until smooth. In a large bowl, beat egg whites and cream of tartar until they form very stiff peaks. Add ¼ cup sugar. Do not overbeat. (A dry rubber scraper drawn through whites leaves a clean path). Pour egg yolk mixture in a thin stream over egg whites, gently cutting and folding with rubber scraper. Fold gently, bringing scraper across bottom of bowl and continue folding until completely blended. Bake in a 10” tube pan at 325oF for 10-15 minutes or until surface springs back when lightly touched. Invert pan immediately on funnel. Let hang until cold. To remove, loosen with spatula. Turn pan over and hit edge sharply on table. Frost as desired.

11. Bibingka Cassava Especial

3 whole eggs
3 cups coconut milk
1 cup evaporated milk (big)
2 ½ cups sugar
7 cups grated raw cassava
¼ cup melted butter
1 cup grated young coconut


1.    Beat eggs slightly with a rotary hand beater.
2.    Add sugar, coconut milk, and evaporated milk. Blend well.
3.    Add the grated cassava; combine well.
4.    Add the melted butter and mix thoroughly.
5.    Pour into a rectangular pan.
6.    Bake for 40 minutes or until dry in a 350oF oven.
7.    Remove from the oven and top with cream topping or condensed milk.
8.    Bake until top turns golden brown.

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