Wednesday, July 27, 2016



What should you do and where will you go 
with this nick of time that you have placed in your Itinerary? 

  • Stay in San Juan,  Siquijor if you are one of the ' party people'.
  •  If you prefer silence and serenity, opt for any of the beach resorts in Candanay, Siquijor and Sandugan, Larena. 
  • For more information the room rates and contact number of accredited home-stays in Siquijor Click here       WHERE TO STAY WHEN IN SIQUIJOR ISLAND

DAY 1 IN SIQUIJOR (Thursday)

Remember that you are like going around in an island where you can stop every 10-15 minutes for another tourist attraction. The sequence of  how you'd go about the 6 municipalities is:
                                  Larena- Siquijor-San Juan- Lazi- Maria then back to Larena

1. Kanheron in Tacloban, Siquijor
       Museum of the Wild Wild West 
          authentic thingies from Texas , I guess. Good for the blogger poses.

2. Salagdoong Beach in Olang, Maria 

          best dipped at in the morning. Fewer people, clearer waters and the heat of the sun isn't                burning.

3. San Isidro Labrador Convent in Tigbawan, Lazi 

         Biggest Convent in Asia 

4. Cambugahay Falls in Po-o, Lazi
         Wash off the salt on your skin and do your Jorge of the Jungle tricks.Bring water and food           as it is a bit of a long way down. Coconuts are sold near the falls though. 

5. Have Lunch at Dapog ni Nanay Carmen at Tigbawan, Lazi 
           Just 2-5 minutes away from the Church and the Convent
          Try their Spicy Chicken Wings and pair it with Guyabano Shake

6.  Century-Old Balete Tree and Fish Spa in Lazi
          Enjoy the divinity of your Php10.00 and prepared to tickled in delight. 
          The big fishes make my heart flutter every time.

7. U- Story Guesthouse in Tag-ibo, San Juan

      Thai-themed sunset.
      Prepare Php 200.00 consumable entrance fee. 
      Order a cocktail for pictorial and 'this-is-the-life purposes.
      However,  if you can still hold it and will opt for a heavy sumptuous  meal there, try their           'Sea Matador' 

8.  Rest or just have a beer in Lala-o, San Juan. 
    A lot of people flock there where a lot of local foods mostly grilled sea foods and pork are         sold at Dalahikan.
    If you opt for a similar boulevard, you may try Dumalaay Boulevard near Sandugan, Larena.     Laidback, quieter and with a view of the faint city lights of Dumaguete and with grilled sea       foods and pork  . 

DAY  2  IN SIQUIJOR (Friday)

1. Cantabon Cave in Cantabon, Siquijor
    8AM. sharp is teh best as the waters in the cave are still clear and you can see your feet and the           fishes while in the cave. There is a bell shower there and a pool of cool, fresh water.

2. Bandilaan National Park , Cantabon, Siquijor

3. Kagusuan Beach Resort, Liloan, Maria

4. Dumalaay Boulevard, Sandugan, Larena

5.  Larena Triad and Coffee Shop, Nonoc, Larena

6.  Infinity Heights at Pili, Siquijor

7. Czar's Place in Maite San Juan, Siquijor

DAY 3 IN SIQUIJOR (Saturday)

1. Beaches in Candanay Norte, Candanay Norte , Siquijor

                                                 SIQUIJOR ISLAND TOURIST MAP found online
downloadable at

If you lose your way, and your renting a bike, ask the locals, always trustworthy, warm and honest..   Enjoy your stay! 

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