Sunday, July 2, 2017


1. First Food is Rice Cereal- He didn't quite like it and spat out most of the cereal. It was finely ground rice and boiled for 10-15 minutes.

2. Pure avocado smoothie- He likes this a lot. He ate like all of what I give him and keep asking for more. I gave him these for 2 weeks alternating it with the mashed squash that has been sauteed with other vegetables in a menu named Pinakbet.

3. Mashed Potato- taken from the potatoes that has been included in the meat and potato soup.

4. Ice cream- sweets I know but he's got to have a taste of it even just for just a small teeny weeny bit. Its size is just like that of a dollop from a medicine dropper.

This post is still under construction (ahaha). Please bear with the inconvenience.

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