Sunday, February 21, 2021

It felt it will scare the hell out of you... that what if you won't find someone better. That what you have now was the best even though it feels like you might find someone better, the fear always creeps in.

 She used to love what he was.

There are questions left unanswered but you decide anyway that if it was 'it', it wouldn't really have come to this end of the rope.

and you weighed all but there is nothing left to make you stay.

and you decide it is just another mistake.

That there are people in this world whom you have to meet so you will be prepared enough when you met the real one.

and then you got to learn more about yourself on the process

You get bruised. burned. scarred. So you leave. carrying nothing with you.

You would wait for someone. That soul who will tell you that you can go anywhere , be anyone with him ... and it will just be a matter of going.

And so you left.

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