Sunday, February 21, 2021

On the Rocks

 She knew what he was but she chose to close her eyes.

Sometimes, it is the thinking that she does not want to accept that the first love that she chose wasn't the one after all.

She knew what was coming but chose to ignore it. She knows the endgame but still rode it till the end.

She knew but still gave it a chance to work out so when the time comes, walking away would be easier as she gave it her best shot.

When she got poured down with rain and got wet, she danced in it like there is tomorrow.

And as she went inside the bar, she knew the allure of fleeting things.

Yet, she held out her hand for another shot . She knew it wouldn't be wine this time.

It would be on the rocks, burning your throat , leaving your soul dry and parched but you'd still be wanting for more until none of them would be able to give out anything any longer.

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