Monday, March 19, 2018

Activities for NDEP _ National Drug Education Program: Barakada Kontra Droga

National Drug Education Program

Q: When to submit NDEP reports?  Every 3rd Monday of the month.

Q: With which concept should we pattern our activities for the implementation of NDEP?

The consequences of drug abuse is affected by 3 factors:
v   Personal/ individual factor-reasons for using the substance
v  Social/ environmental factor-the context in which the substance is used
v  Drug/ substance factor-the nature and effect of the substance
Interventions centered on:
                        Erik Erikson's Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development
Q: Which skills must be developed by each leaner? Life Skills
Q: Which skills must be developed in each leaner’s parents?
    1. Literacy
    2. Language
    3. Cultural
    4. Vocational/ Livelihood
    5. Life Skills

Q: What are life skills?

- abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable humans to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life.
- aka psychosocial competency

v  Group Facilitation              - Managing Conflict
v  Communication skills        - Communicating Effectively
v  Decision- making skills     - Resisting Pressures
                                                             -Choosing between contradicting issues
v  Self-esteem skills               - Building a positive view on self-worth
v  Assertion                            - Dealing Assertively with Social Situations in Which
                                                                               Drugs may be Offered
v  Personal Skills                     -Setting Realistic Goals
                                                            -Coping with Anxiety

Goal of NDEP                           ~ to develop well-adjusted learners

How do we say ‘no’ to drugs?

Saying how you feel
“ I don’t want to.”

Repeatedly Refusing : repeat, repeat, repeat.
“ No, thanks… No, thanks , really.”
Giving a reason or an excuse
“ It makes me sick.”

 Remembering That There is No Need to Give a Reason
“ Because I don’t want to,  that’s why.”

Turning it around
“ I don’t understand why you can’t take ‘No’ for an answer.”

Changing the subject
“Wasn’t that a great game last night?”

Blaming your parents
“My parents would be mad’’

Laughing it out
“ No, I embarrass myself enough being sober.”

Exercising the right to change your mind
 “ I know I’ve done it before , but I don’t want to now.”
Giving the Cold Shoulder
Gaining Strength in Numbers
Walking away
   ‘ Bye’

Community Extension Services by the SMASH members (Barkada Kontra Droga)
* Tree- planting Activity
    a.  Fruit –bearing
    b.  Mangrove
*Health Teaching Sessions on first Aid, et al. 
*Livelihood Skills Training
* Parenting Skills

Sample Activities Incorporating Various Life Skills

Ø  Annual Hunger Games
ü   A Group Game in which learners will grouped by Color Teams.
ü  Over the course of an entire year, all learners must be affiliated with only One Color Team (preferably by advisory class) .
ü  All contests and games have corresponding scores for 1st-place winners, 2nd place winners and so on. which will then be added at the end of the School Year.
ü   The Annual Hunger Games Champion will be declared at the end of the School Year.
ü  The following Obstacle Courses/ Contests/ Games may be included:
     a. Sports
     b. Reading Food Labels
     c.  Table Setting
     d. Flower Arrangement
      e. Categorizing Food Groups
      f.   Skipping Rope Challenge
     g.  Tying Knots
     h.  Reading Sign Language
     i.  Pinoy games ( luksong-tinik)
     j.  Paint-Me-a-Picture of health programs
     k. Library Word Hunt
     l. Carbon Footprint Computation
    m. Fitness Gods and Goddesses
    o. Battle of the Brains : Trivial Questions
    p. Weekly Library Word Hunt
q. Classroom Treasure Hunt
r.  Zumba Health Craze
            Students will lead the Zumba Session which will be done every Flag Lowering Ceremony.
s. TarpPapel of Health Programs to be posted in Bulletin Boards
t. Muscles-For-A-Cause Photograph
            Photos must be taken by students featuring Life Skills posted every Monday for the Entire
            School Year
u. Song Composition by Class
ü   1 person will write the first line of the first stanza
ü  the second person will use the previous line to compose the next line and so on.
ü  When everybody in the class has contributed his line to the song being composed, the tune of the song will be decided by the class
ü  The song will be presented to the entire school during Card day as a variety show featuring the singing of the song in a mass dance.
 v. Poem Writing
w. Jazz Chant
x. Essay Writing
y. Poster Making
z. Impromptu Speech
aa. Best Peer Mentor
bb. Friendship Day
cc. Math Bingo
dd. Jeopardy Game
ee. Family Feud on Life Skills
ff. Mr. And Miss Veggie-Look -Alike with Facial Make-up of A   
gg. Nominating Alternate Names For the Barkada Kontra Droga
ii. MasterChef Cook-Off
jj. Recital cum Stage Acting : ‘Lola Basyang’ showing Parenting Skills
kk. Vlog Entry of the Month


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