Thursday, March 22, 2018

All Health Programs for DEPED School Health Division

3 Key Areas of Health Personnel 

I . Nutritional Support to Learners
  1. SBFP
  2. Gulayan sa Paaralan
  3. Nutrition Education 
          Food Safety 
          School Canteen Mgt
           Healthy Food & Beverages choices

II. Healthy School Environment 
   1. NDEP
            Drug Free Workplace 
   2. WinS
           Hand washing Activity 
   3. Responsible Parenthood Reproductive       
   4. Rabies Awareness 
   5. Dengue Prevention & Control
   6. Toxic Free
   7. Smoke Free
III.  Medical - Nursing Services
   1. Mental Health & Psychosocial support
   2. Integrated Helminth Control Program 
   3. SB Immunization  Program 
   4. Learner Health Appraisal System (LHAS)
   5. Nutritional Assessment 
   6. BP ng Teacher Ko Alago ko
   7. TB control Program
   8. TSEKAP

## Stake holders / Community linkages 
## Dental Services
                                    Oral Urgent Tx

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