Tuesday, February 23, 2016

We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off To Have a Good Time

Dad asked me to get a few bucks to pay for the vehicle that we are to purchase so i had to go to the city and withdraw some cash at the early hours of the night.

Jhed was so persistent that i should ask him to accompany me in getting some cash to ward off any robbers and snatchers, so i did ask him to go with me.

We talked about a few things about what he likes and what he doesn't.

And when we arrived, Jhed and a few administrators were waiting for me and they had a funny smile on their face.

They even asked him to be at the quarters together with me and talk about us..


So i told him to go with me to the clinic to receive the medicines that i am to give him.

The day after, i was late for lunch as i was looking for CVIRAA shirts.

I later found out that he was also late and he waited for me near the gate so we could enter through the gate together. He likes books.

I had lunch with him at the dining area as I was urged by Dulce to take my lunch already so they could clean up...

but i guess it was uncomfortable for him to talk with me when others were listening.

Twas the night after that day that really felt magical.

Twas just pure fun and i was so glad about it. It is something that i will really carry with me as i grow old.

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