Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How To Live Life in a Different Way

You have been assigned to this mountain to tell others that it can be moved.

There are different ways to get to the top of the mountain. Do not judge my way of reaching it. Or maybe, i am destined to camp at a certain point where i will have the best view. Because as of the moment, the peak is currently crowned with clouds that will block my view... Bleeeh bleeeh

Maybe, just maybe,  i have to set this example.

To relax when it would have caused others to panic
To try to understand when the situation should have brought a lot of confusion
To practice inaction when impulse compels you to do something
To smile and just wave
To just shake it off
To be thankful of what has been given
To ignore all urges to fight back
To stay when others would have wanted to go
To do what i feel is right even if it would hurt others
To say what i have in mind
To think as if there is no box
To separate myself from a situation and see the whole story from their point of view
To delineate which lines can be crossed
To let people know where their limits end and my right as an individual begins

This is my life. I will till my soil and wont take a look at yours to check if your grass is greener. I am only allowing myself to do that, not to insult myself and my You have been assigned to this mountain to tell others that it can be moved.

Maybe, just maybe,  i have to set this example.

To relax when it would have caused others to panic
To try to understand when the situation should have brought a lot of confusion
To stay when others would have wanted to go
To do what i feel is right even if it would hurt others
To say what i have in mind
To think as if there is no box
To separate myself from a situation and see the whole story from their point of view
To delineate which lines can be crossed
To let people know where their limits end and my right as an individual begins

This is my life. I will till my soil and wont take a look at yours to check if your grass is greener. I am only allowing myself to do that, not to insult myself and my capabilities, but to learn the wisdom of those whose actions produced results.

They say that before you accept something, look at the hand of the one who handed it to you. If he does not reflect the holy virtues of God, then give the offer a second thought.

You will not be right every time, so dance in the rain.

  but to learn the wisdom of those whose actions produced results.

They say that before you accept something, look at the hand of the one who handed it to you. If he does not reflect the holy virtues of God, then give the offer a second thought.

In all of these, being  right wont happen every single time, so learning how to dance in the rain is a must.

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