Wednesday, April 19, 2017

MANAN-AO, Enrique Villanueva , Siquijor HOLY WEEK SPECIAL

I know of a local tradition during Holy Week. How about you?! :

In here is a snapshot by my friend Gica when we finally reached the Manan-ao peak here in Enrique Villanueva , Siquijor... This has been part of our family's tradition to go up this peak during Friday dawn of the Holy Week. We start at 4am and arrive at around 6am at the peak , with 14 quick stops at the stations of the Cross.. After the walk is the free morning coffee and breaky foods like cookies and the obligatory BINIGNIT, a staple food during Holy Week.. our tradition involves not eating anything fried or grilled or broiled. We also have this No drinking, gambling , travelling and eating of any food with malunggay in it. We are also required to be vigilant and to be careful not to have cuts , abrasion or any wound sustained during Holy Week as these wounds will heal slowly because Jesus Christ is believed to have died on Holy Friday. Next year, we are planning to witness the commemoration of the Passion of Christ in Campalanas as i got this info that they will be having the enactment as a contest and the cast of the passion of the christ will be in full makeup and attire.. I hope it will meet, if not surpass, my expectations... Yipeeee

 — with Emer Anthony Docejo at Siquijor Island.






Here is a video for a full 360 of the place:


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